Simple and useful application for your mobile device to help quickly calculate any percentages and save the result.
The calculation of percent is one of the most common mathematical operations in our daily lives. For example shopping, discounts, money, probability when you need to calculate answer immediately. But now application %Converter can quickly do it for you.
- Calculate the percentage of the number.
- Find out the percentage number change.
- Increase the number to a specified percentage.
- Decrease the number to a specified percentage.
- Fraction of numbers to percentage.
- And other calculation.
In addition it is possible to save all calculated results into device and at any time open them.
- 计算的数目的百分比。
- 找出百分比数字的变化。
- 增加数量的指定百分比。
- 减少数量的指定百分比。
- 数字为百分比的分数。
- 与其他计算。
Simple and useful application for your mobile device to help quickly calculate any percentages and save the result.
The calculation of percent is one of the most common mathematical operations in our daily lives. For example shopping, discounts, money, probability when you need to calculate answer immediately. But now application %Converter can quickly do it for you.
- Calculate the percentage of the number.
- Find out the percentage number change.
- Increase the number to a specified percentage.
- Decrease the number to a specified percentage.
- Fraction of numbers to percentage.
- And other calculation.
In addition it is possible to save all calculated results into device and at any time open them.